Awwwww fuuuuck yeah bro.
Let’s talk about muscle drawings by Matt.
[Updated 01.09.22]
Words really fail to express how much I love talking about and sharing the comics and muscle drawings of Matt (AKA HS Muscleboy). I find such instant and arousing joy and excitement in the simplicity of the work and the singular focus of the universe created by Matt. I’ve cum four times (!) just putting this post together and researching these images!
But damn, do I hate having to research these works. That is in large part because there is a ton of misinformation out there about who Matt was, and some conflation with another artist who drew muscle guys and used the pen name Matt. Goofballs speak confidently on various forums about the art itself, about the creator, and then reference other goofballs on other forums as their sources. It’s a weird echo-chamber of misinformation, made weirder and echo-y-er (I went to college, I swear) by the swampy quagmire that was Tumblr. “Fans” of the work would frequently create slashfic about Matt’s muscle dudes, and then crudely slap on their own text and speech bubbles, uploading the revised drawings (sometimes cut together with totally unrelated drawings and characters) without attribution to their Tumblr. Since the origin of Matt’s works was particularly murky already, these fan creations have entered the canon for many casual viewers, and the original artistry and message has been sloppily clone stamped away.
And all that before you start to even touch the vast number of imitators who have drawn their own Matt-style characters and then sign his name to them! It’s quite a strange realm, with little evidence-based information laying around to contradict the forum bros who think they know what’s up.
HS Muscleboy was not Charles Kerbs
One of the most common misconceptions on forums that share the muscle drawings of Matt, is that this is the same artist – who also used the moniker “Matt” – who was born Charles Kerbs, and was a playwright in New York and New Orleans for the better part of his life. Odder still is the insistence on some blogs and forums that Matt was a pseudonym for Richard Kerbs, who – best I can come up with – is a doctoral student at the University of Helsinki.
Charles Kerbs, on the other hand, was a multi-talented artist and illustrator whose work feels simultaneously very familiar (you’ve definitely seen it) and still very original. His focus was primarily on hyper-masculine social roles, which is reflected in the 1997 compendium of his work titled “Rasslers, Ranglers, and Rough Guys: The Erotic Art of Matt.” Charles passed away in 2002, but you can and should read the warm and kind-hearted obituary posted at the Tom of Finland Foundation.
Kerbs’ Honcho works are some of my personal favorites because of his skillful push/pull of hard and masculine, while connected and tender. Kerbs was a master of subtle masculine intimacy (much like Jim French, the illustrator behind my most favorite shirt), and the Honcho illustration above is a great example of that. The moustached cowboy’s boot gently resting on the tender (but inflated) genitals of his partner is a wonderful example of the subtlety I’m describing.
HSMuscleboy was MATT – just a different MATT
The work I want to share today, though, is nearly the polar opposite of Charles Kerbs in every regard (and you’ll see how impossible it is that these works should have come from the same hand, despite sharing one uninventive name). We talked a little bit about Billy by Matt when I shared that character’s illustrations in conjunction with a slutty muscle story last year. But we didn’t talk about Billy’s younger brother, Sean.
Sean continues the hypermuscled/morphed aesthetics of his brother, but is already living far beyond the family expectations set by his big bro. In fact, Billy can’t believe how big Sean really is, and like Billy, how much he gets turned on just by having ludicrously big muscles.
Matt’s muscle men inhabit a world that reeks so hard of testosterone and sperm, that you can almost smell it when you’re studying these drawings (and quite literally smell it, if like me, you also can’t stop jacking your dong to these arts). They use sex in a myriad of ways to show affection, to show respect, and most often just to experience pleasure. There is no real distinction between girlfriends, partners, friends as sexual partners, or even their own hands and mouths (as is the case for some characters well-endowed enough to smile big while swallowing their own dongs), and it’s glorious to imagine a universe where this kind of penis and muscle focused masculinity is encouraged and exciting.
Spend a few minutes here with me while we learn a little about Sean, yeah?
Sean by Matt / HSMuscleboy
Oops. I spurted again.
Matt just really gets me going! I gotta go do some pushups bro. Awwww fuck.
Great article about Sean! Caused the same reaction as happened to you,
Haha! The highest possible compliment to Matt, I believe.
Thanks, Rob 😀
Amazing hot, thanks for sharing.
Haha! Thank you for reading, Robert.