Maybe everpresent pornography and the ability to watch your peers masturbate is creating an unforeseen type of sexual liberation. Monday! And around here, that means we’re gonna talk about some dudes jackin’ it for everybody to see. This post, as many of my posts do, started as a conversation with a friend who was […]
Men Piss In the Sink Because It’s Cool
Yes, All Men. This post started as a discussion I was having with a friend who was peeing in the sink at his house while on the phone with me, but truthfully, it’s one I’ve had lots of times over the years. The divide between who thinks it’s cool/fine/acceptable to pee in the sink […]
Story Time: Dumb Horny Jock
Speechless, Dad stormed out of the room in a huff before I could explain. It’s not every day you get caught under your immigrant coach’s desk with his enormous pornstar-sized cock all the way down your throat but I knew Dad would understand. It got stuck, that’s all… and it’s perfectly understandable for a dick that big to easily get stuck in a tight teen throat like mine.
An Open Letter to the Man in my Gym Locker Room:
I think you’re a terrible person. Dear Sir: I want to be forthright and tell you that I was the person who reported you to the front desk this week, for the way you behave in the mens locker room at my gym. I have seen you in that locker room every time I […]
icametosin: Fleshing Out The Bodies Your Porn Ignores
“It may be normal, darling; but I’d rather be natural.” It’s no real secret that “white guys with abs” are pretty much what lots of (most?) gay men envision when they think of “sexy.” What they consider “normal.” It’s why the Austin Wolfs and Ryan Roses of the world have attained the degree of […]
Texas Roundup and The Story of My Favorite Shirt (Longhorns Dance)
It’s an exciting place to visit, Texas. But I don’t think I could stay. Let’s talk about cowboys! I realize that much time has passed since I’ve done a post here, and I apologize. I always think that I’ll be able to do this from the road, but for some reason or another, it […]