In “Tim and Al,” the first of the series, and today’s Story Time story, the titular gentlemen have a work accident that ends in some physical exploration of bodies, terse denials of interest, and sets the stage for each of them to want more during their upcoming ice fishing trip.
Anthro Sharks are Sexy Nightmare Factories
Anthro creations are often sexy, impossible monsters, but how do you do sexy without arms, legs, or genitals? [Updated 01.09.22] Ok. Couple of confessions, just right off the top: one, I watched The Meg this weekend. I don’t know why. I don’t recommend it. It wasn’t good, but it was fine. If you aren’t familiar, […]
It’s Always Mac Day at Badwolf/Blog
“Mac’s got gay nudes.” [Cue Title Sequence] Always Sunny is one of the greatest television comedies ever conceived, not least because of the ludicrous handling of Mac’s ever-present homosexuality. But we aren’t here to debate the merits of Sunny. If you disagree you can go ahead and be wrong and click on to something more […]
Someone Should Open A Fake Celebrity Nudes Museum
Ryan Gosling & Friends display their goods as well as the remarkable talents of an absent artist. When I got up this morning, #FakeRyanGoslingFacts was trending on twitter. While I’m not one for celebrity gossip these days, I decided I did have a few fake facts to contribute to that discussion. Searching for the […]