There are close to 1000 penises currently uploaded to Wikipedia. Oh, man. What a strange evening and morning I have had, tunneling into the depths of Wikipedia and the message boards and communities that constantly update, edit, and contribute to that site’s global success. It should be no surprise to learn that lots of […]
Pénis, Je t’aime
A quick meditation on finding your penis beautiful. I’m on the road again this week, so just a short post today, based on a tumblr post that’s been haunting me for a week. The account Temple of Sacred Phallus got deactivated (by choice or by the tumblr morality police, we’ll never know), but their […]
Sunday Comics: Julius’ “The Hardon Twins & The Mystery of the Golden Cockring” Part 5
The Hardon boys infiltrate their target and find exactly what they were looking for all along. We’ve finally made it to the second-to-last installment of the Julis’ epic The Hardon Twins & the Mystery of the Golden Cockring! If you’re just joining us for this, don’t expect me to catch you up in this […]
Black Friday Shopping List: *Penis Treats* Edition
Because you(r penis) deserve(s) a reward more than anyone else on your list. I’m not a Black Friday shopper by any stretch of the imagination. You won’t find me in line at WalMart today – I’ve spent the whole morning at home, with coffee in one hand and the other stuffed down the front of […]
Underwear Retailer Mainstreams Cockrings
Now lemme tell you why that’s a big deal. Got a little quiet around here again this week. But I’ve gotten such positive responses to my 1000 word ode to cockrings, that I wanted to take some time today and talk about the general un-gay-ing of penis accessories. Because I think it’s relevant and […]
Cockrings: Every Day
Cockrings are a stimulating and enlightening way to celebrate your fuckin’ penis. Anybody paying even marginal attention to this blog and my general penis affections, knows of my long-standing love for cockrings. Last August, I wrote a whole post about my (then much smaller) cockring collection, and my decision to mount it on my […]