outside our shelled understanding of what it means, and pursue it in whatever form we like, as long as we aren’t causing active harm to others.
Words are Important: The Accepted Shame of Calling Genitals “Privates”
There is no time or situation where “privates” is the best choice of word, and the power that it possesses to reinforce learned cultural shame about our genitals, and the unacceptability of our sex parts, is transparently dangerous.
15 Ball Stretching Fur Boys
Ball stretching is super pleasurable and a fantastic way to amplify testicular sensation while bating or just doing chores around your house!
And that’s what’s on display with today’s selection of furry anthro ball stretching boys! I scoured Rule34, FurAffinity, and google for my most favorite pics of non-people nut weighters. And there’s some COOL shit in here! I’m so excited. I only really talk about things I like on this blog anyway, but it’s fun to share incredible artworks that I feel don’t get enough exposure, from artists who don’t get enough recognition for their incredible talents.
The Summertime Magic of Naked Dads on Boats
Put a dad on a boat, his clothes are coming off. It’s just science. 2020 Update: Obviously, since Tumblr bit the big one at the end of 2017, much of badwolf.blog’s functionality has had to change. I linked and embedded hundreds of videos and images, with the mindful intention that readers could find the sources […]
Anthro Sharks are Sexy Nightmare Factories
Anthro creations are often sexy, impossible monsters, but how do you do sexy without arms, legs, or genitals? [Updated 01.09.22] Ok. Couple of confessions, just right off the top: one, I watched The Meg this weekend. I don’t know why. I don’t recommend it. It wasn’t good, but it was fine. If you aren’t familiar, […]
Why Handjobs Magazine (Still) Matters
Feelings of isolation and outsider statuses only ease when humans can see that others are so very like them and want the same things. Growing up when and where I did (the American South in the 80s and 90s), I wasn’t often exposed to extremely sexual situations, or even sex in general with any regularity. […]