Jump to Dads, Daddy Issues, Dick, Dick Nipple, Dong
Often used more metaphorically than literally, dads are grown up men who have progressed past the crippling ego and arrogance of their 20s and 30s to find a comfort with themselves and their bodies in their 40s and beyond. A group for whom dadbod is often a term of praise, dads are usually thicker, furrier, and less preoccupied with self-consciousness about the size of their genitals or the flatness of their abs – freeing up brainspace to enjoy sex and masturbation in a way the kids today just can’t yet.
We talk a lot about this group on badwolf.blog, partly because other spaces don’t. Dads are often unconsciously relegated in our society into a post-sexualized arena, where it seems impossible they could be just as fascinated and amused by their dongs as the young folks. But nothing could be further from the truth, and – in my own personal experience – it takes very little to unleash the beast, as it were, once they start to see themselves as sexy and desirable.
Daddy Issues
A fixation on the sexuality and sexual practices of men alternately described as “grown,” “old,” or “mature” (see: Dads, above). Not necessarily a bad thing, either, despite how the term is casually thrown around to shame or deride younger people who are attracted to mature dudes.
I’m personally fascinated by the sexuality of grown men because it remains socially subversive for mature men to embrace and flaunt their sex and their desirability. Those who do it anyway are heroes to guys like me, and deserve celebration and inclusion.
It’s worth pointing out here that the ideas and phenomena that I’m describing here are relatively distinct from the gay colloquialism of “daddy.” That notion has pangs of emotional and financial support, and an implication of a daddy/boy relationship. What I’m attempting to describe here is an attraction and fascination with grown up men, and is not reliant on how they relate to or find me attractive.
See Also: Happy Father’s Day from Tyler + Gildan Underwear , The Summertime Magic of Naked Dads on Boats
Dick is a synonym for penis, and carries a more negative or aggressive connotation than terms like dong or cock. It is also used as a derogatory term for someone whose behavior is viewed as worthy of condemnation.
“That guy is such a fucking dick.”
The issue with this usage and therefore this entire term arises because it implies that there is something inherently extremely negative about penises. Calling someone a piece of shit while using a label for something awesome is perhaps not the most effective way to express either idea.
My preference is always for cock, penis, or dong. I only find occasion to use dick when I need to intone some added aggression to my sentiment: “I’m gonna suck that fuckin’ dick off his stupid body.”
Dick Nipples
Main entry: Nippledick
One of the best synonyms for penis, and one that seems heavily relegated to MSM (men who have sex with men), and rarely invoked in heterosexual spaces. Bators often use the term dong as a sexualized term for penis that isn’t necessarily connected to penetrative action or a relationship to another body or hole. Dong gets to be its own amazing thing, metaphorically speaking, and not defined or made special by its ability to fuck or to inflict anything other than pleasure.
The most appropriate usage of dong as a synonym is when a penis is fully engorged and erect, and certainly when that penis has been pumped, stimulated, or ring’d into excessive erection (or bloat).
Pump that greasy bloated bator dong, bro.
Dong has the benefit of a non-human or inanimate connotation as well, referring to phallic objects for worship masturbation (or assturbation), as well as the often oversized genitals of anthro characters.