I love the opportunity to collaborate with or champion people, websites, products, or communities that I think are awesome. But because I’m protective of this site and the amazing readers who make the work of it so worthwhile, I don’t just jack off every dick I meet. In this regard, I mean.
badwolf.blog is not in any way ad-supported because I really enjoy not being beholden to anyone else’s expectations. It keeps me from having to stretch the truth about anything I review, which in turn allows readers believe what I say instead of trying to filter out any market-speak or compensated compliments. They know if I talk about it here, it’s something that matters to me in real life.
Because of that, I tend not to write bad reviews about things. I just don’t think it’s worth my time say negative shit about something when I’d so much rather expend my energy telling people what I think is great or special or important.
Let’s talk about you, though
If you represent something you think is special or great or important, I’d love to hear about it! It can be anything you think might be of interest to me or my audience: a toy, a book, an art exhibit, an experience, an adult party, or a really hot prØn thing. I will almost always agree to receive comp goods or services in exchange only for a fair review, but I’m not super interested in being paid (read: forced) to say nice things.
badwolf.blog’s readership
This site has been around for a minute, and has picked up some loyal followers along the way. Here’s a little about them:
- badwolf.blog receives ~50k pageviews per month (which is an indication of overall traffic flow, not a promise or guarantee of any kind) and maintains a secure, opt-in only list of more than 2.5k subscribers.
The blog’s pageviews for Q3 and Q4 2021, via Google Analytics:
- Emails for new posts have an average open rate of 39%, with a clickthrough rate of 40% and above.
- Readers are primarily male (85%), aged 24-64. They tend to live in the United States (56%), Canada (5.5%), and the UK (5.5%). Most (64%) speak English.
- For the bulk of readers, interests outside of penises and what penises can do tend to include arts, movies, technology, travel, and politics. They shop online often and like being ahead of the curve when it comes to gadgets, toys, and experiences.
I’m glad to answer any specific questions you might have about readers or who I am and what I do. Please use the form below and include your name and email address so that I can back to you as soon as I am able.