You know. Just like real life.
This is a short film titled Going to the Store that I never have an excuse to talk about it on manhuntdaily. So I’m tossing it in here, because it’s got some naked stuff in it. It’s topical.
Store is from a few years ago and was conceived and created by David Lewandowski, who was the lead animator for TRON: Legacy. There have been some really good tribute videos for this too. Especially this one and this one (cause this guy really nails the body language).
I can’t help but smile when I watch this and I like it more each time. I wish he had a dick, though. :/ Going to the Penis Store, nearer the mark.
– ty
[…] cut for Emotion in 2015. And it’s amazing. Every song is seamless and there’s even a going to the store reference. But it’s enjoyable from beginning to end and the work of someone who really loves […]