A magical tale about a young boy who can’t keep dicks out of his holes (also there’s a construction theme). Just a quick post today to share a classic Josman comic, titled Foreman Joe. I’ve got so many other illustrators and graphic novelists I want to feature in this slot, but you guys respond so well […]
Sunday Comics: Julius’ “The Hardon Twins & The Mystery of the Golden Cockring” Part 2
Julius knows how to draw a story out, while still keeping it full to the hilt with father/son love and furry muscle magic. Welcome to Part 2! If you missed the first installment of this serial comic, you should go and read that one right now,before you get into things in the wrong order! […]
Sunday Comics: “木こりの師弟 | Kikori No Shitei”
A beautiful story that’s even more beautifully illustrated that I could NOT translate properly, despite all my best efforts. I would never say that I’m a manga guy, because so much manga is only in Japanese and even when it’s translated can be difficult to decipher and get the gist of. I’m probably just […]
Sunday Comics: Julius’ “The Hardon Twins & The Mystery of the Golden Cockring” Part 1
Comics featuring dads who can’t help themselves and Hardy Boys knock offs in the form of horny twin brothers. Before we get to the Julius toons, though, let’s have a quick recap (since things have been quiet here this last week): I got back late last night from Washington DC, where I had a completely […]
Sunday Comics: Josman’s “Encounter In The Park”
Gay Sunday Comics full of dicks and cum and better stuff than whatever Hi and Lois is doing these days. I have been sick as a dog for the last few days (kissing too many boys in Boston is the likely culprit) and haven’t managed to get much up here. I actually haven’t managed to […]
Story Time: The Good Man Servant
Thick lines and bright, candy colors outlining all the massive bulges and spurty cum. If Handjobs Magazine were still in print today, they’d most definitely find a way to get FreeBo23 to illustrate some daddy porn for them. The Good Man Servant is a collaboration between FreeBo23 and BaraloverNS, with FB doing the illustrations and […]