In “Tim and Al,” the first of the series, and today’s Story Time story, the titular gentlemen have a work accident that ends in some physical exploration of bodies, terse denials of interest, and sets the stage for each of them to want more during their upcoming ice fishing trip.
Sexbod: Homer Simpson
Never mind that he’s fat, unmuscled, and bald. Homer Simpson doesn’t know he doesn’t conform to beauty standards and receives exclusively positive reinforcement from his sole sex partner, and so he lives a life akin to Adam’s; free from sexual shame and stigma.
Story Time: “Neal ‘n’ Unk” by Lord Iron
Lord Iron’s got a vintage Handjobs tale with all the hallmarks of the stories we love here: exploration, joy, connection, and consent. While lots of the stories in classic Handjobs issues go unattributed or are credited to single first name authors who are never heard from again, a handful of illustrators also authored the many […]
Story Time: “Adventures of Timmy: College Glory (Hole)”
Taken from the June 2003 issue of Handjobs Magazine, The Adventures of Timmy: College Glory (Hole) is written by Christopher Pierce and illustrated with great aplomb by the famous Roscoe. All of Roscoe’s hallmarks are on display here: proud and shiny erections (shiny everything really!), warm and genial smiles, and joyfully spurty cum blasts make his work some of my very favorite.
An Interview with Artist and Illustrator Bruno B.
Bruno B.’s work is a part of the Tom of Finland canon and is significant in its sexualizing of bara-type masculine bodies in Handjobs and other publications.
Sunday Comics: Josman’s “Cellmates”
I feel better when I don’t think too hard about what’s truly being conveyed in setting this scene in lockup. Or in fetishizing convicts and criminals in the way they’re fetishized here. Or in the reasons Josman found it necessary to the story for the conspicuously white/blonde and bald prisoner to refer to it as his “big white cock.”