Never mind that he’s fat, unmuscled, and bald. Homer Simpson doesn’t know he doesn’t conform to beauty standards and receives exclusively positive reinforcement from his sole sex partner, and so he lives a life akin to Adam’s; free from sexual shame and stigma.
What is all of this doing to us?
It has been an interesting Summer so far, has it not? Perhaps interesting isn’t even the right word. But I’m personally so exhausted of hearing words like “unprecedented” and “challenging” and “troubled” to describe our current moment. Not that I have better words. Things are certainly challenging and troubling and unprecedented. I’ve written here in […]
August Favorite Things
J Lube, Proudbator, Jockstraps, and Peloton – Summer stuff to get you through the hard times. We haven’t done a Favorite Things post in aaaages! I started these way back when as a way to talk about stuff I liked that wasn’t quite deserving of its own full-length post, but that was worth sharing, regardless. […]
“Sean” By Matt (HS Muscleboy)
Matt’s muscle men inhabit a world that reeks so hard of testosterone and sperm, that you can almost smell it when you’re studying these drawings (and quite literally smell it, if like me, you also can’t stop jacking your dong to these arts). They use sex in a myriad of ways to show affection, to show respect, and most often just to experience pleasure.
The Summertime Magic of Naked Dads on Boats
Put a dad on a boat, his clothes are coming off. It’s just science. 2020 Update: Obviously, since Tumblr bit the big one at the end of 2017, much of’s functionality has had to change. I linked and embedded hundreds of videos and images, with the mindful intention that readers could find the sources […]
Bodybuilder Tattoos Penis, Is Awesome
Welcome to 2019! I’m so glad you’re here for another year of talking dong and looking at the ways that men engage with their bodies and their sexuality, despite whatever “society” is telling them they ought to do. We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us this year, and the loss of tumblr […]