In “Tim and Al,” the first of the series, and today’s Story Time story, the titular gentlemen have a work accident that ends in some physical exploration of bodies, terse denials of interest, and sets the stage for each of them to want more during their upcoming ice fishing trip.
Book Report: “The Genius Guide to Penis Pride” by Dick Johnson
After this post about ways to stoke Penis Pride, someone pointed me toward a book that seemed like it might be right up my ally. “The Genius Guide to Penis Pride” is available all over the internet as both a physical book and an easy to download ebook/Kindle book published by Xlibris.
5 Keys to Reduce Shame and Amp Up Penis Pride
Viewing your own penis as a key to connection with others is the crux of learning to be proud of it. Because it holds so much potential and so much power for you. Even if you never meet another penis in real life to share arousal and generate friction and pleasure together, you are part of something larger than you, and are accepted into it wholly, just as you are.
Practicing these steps, and making intentional time to take your clothes off and touch and stimulate your genitals is how you learn to love them. They bring only joy and pleasure into your world, no matter their size or shape.
Uncomfortable Asks: Should you buy a teenager a Fleshlight?
My philosophy has long been that Fleshlight should send every American youth one of their products the very day they turn 18, just like Gillette does with razors. I think it would solve a whole host of issues and problems, and create a lifelong customer loyalty, the likes of which no sex toy brand has ever seen before. You win that 18 year old penis over, and that penis’s owner is gonna be buying Fleshlight brand products for the rest of their ejaculating life.
What is sex?
outside our shelled understanding of what it means, and pursue it in whatever form we like, as long as we aren’t causing active harm to others.
Story Time: Dumb Horny Jock
Speechless, Dad stormed out of the room in a huff before I could explain. It’s not every day you get caught under your immigrant coach’s desk with his enormous pornstar-sized cock all the way down your throat but I knew Dad would understand. It got stuck, that’s all… and it’s perfectly understandable for a dick that big to easily get stuck in a tight teen throat like mine.