Guys. Seriously. A little over a year ago, Part 1 of this discussion was posted to a surprisingly good reception. It even seemed to invite a lot (I’m not kidding, a lot!) of suggestions and demands for a follow up about douching. But I gotta tell you. We are not ready to talk about […]
Male Assturbation
Man, I don’t like that word! ? In my never ending journey to journey my way into my end, I’ve read a LOT of advice and tips and watched videos and GIFs and even subscribed to some helpful tumblrs. Alas, we’re still not far from where we started. Occasionally I can get stuff up there, […]
Uncomfortable Asks: Dadplay and Poop Mishaps
How real is too real for incest roleplay and what do you do when things don’t play out perfectly during buttstuff? We’ve made it through a few of these Uncomfortable Asks with some good questions and questionable answers. But I end up talking about these posts more with people in real life than anything […]
We Need to Talk: About Your Butthole (Part 1)
This is going to sound like a joke, but picture me making my MOST serious face while typing all of this. I’m inclined to start this with an apology. There are some things that, while not technically ‘off limits,’ are just not great conversation topics. And what one does in the WC is not a […]
Uncomfortable Asks: Client Friends and ‘Don’t Wanna’ Bottoms
How to rethink the grey areas with clients and stuff to do that isn’t buttsex. We had so much fun with the last Uncomfortable Asks that I almost couldn’t wait to do it again! If you missed the last entry, someone called me “incredibly dumb,” someone else got mad on twitter, and a third […]
Everything You Know Is Wrong: Anal Sex Edition
Up is down, black is white, and short is long. When I was ten years old or so, I got a copy of Weird Al Yankovic’s Bad Hair Day (for my birthday, I think). Being ten years old, I played it constantly, until I had learned nearly every word to every song. My parents completely […]