There’s so much to absorb from this list! I have something of an ‘almost but not quite’ understanding of kink and fetish work, and despite having friends who are Doms and Dommes and fetish performers and more, still live in relative ignorance about what their jobs and practices actually entail. As I imagine many […]
Rikers Proposal Would Decriminalize Prostitution in New York City
And Mayor McFeelings reminds us all why we all think he’s the worst. I was talking to my mom the other day about Mayor De Blasio, and the general consensus amongst New Yokers that he sucks. I couldn’t spell it out more specifically for her, really, but if you ask pretty much anyone who lives […]
Uncomfortable Asks: Client Friends and ‘Don’t Wanna’ Bottoms
How to rethink the grey areas with clients and stuff to do that isn’t buttsex. We had so much fun with the last Uncomfortable Asks that I almost couldn’t wait to do it again! If you missed the last entry, someone called me “incredibly dumb,” someone else got mad on twitter, and a third […]
Uncomfortable Asks: Advice on Escorts and Bad Blowjays
Because I’ve probably seen more dicks than most people, and I know some things, too! I’ve always been hesitant to offer any sort of practical advice column here, even though I get more than a few emails and tumblr submissions asking my opinion on a particular situation or problem. It’s not that I don’t […]
True Life: I’m Finally One Of Those #Truvada Whores I Keep Hearing So Much About
There should be an ‘it gets better‘ video for your first month of side effects. Just about every single person I know (save for a few notable exceptions) who is around my age, and has a similar volume (quantity? amount? Sum?) of sex to what I do, is or has been on PrEP for what […]
Self Inflicted Punishment: Liveblogging Netflix’s “Escorts”
Subtitled: “Ugh/Oh No!” I don’t do a ton of liveblog stuff here because it’s kind of a copout, as far as writing goes. It’s a collection of my in-the-moment reactions to things, and not a thoughtful meditation on a film or show (or whatever) as a whole. But Netflix has been pitching Escorts to […]